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New Patients

Registration Procedure

Before registering with the surgery, patients are advised to check that they live within our practice boundary area. Patients are accepted from the area within the red line on the boundary map.

Find out with GPs you can register with on the NHS website.

Each new patient must complete a Family Doctor Services Registration and a new patient health questionnaire. These can be obtained from reception or downloaded from here.

Family doctor services registration

New patient registration health questionnaire

Please follow the Registration procedures below:
  •  Complete The Llandaff North New Patient Health Questionnaire and the GMS1W Registration Questionnaire.

The GMS1W Registration Form MUST been signed in the bottom left corner of the front page. We cannot accept it unsigned.

  • Both forms and ID can be dropped off at reception or emailed to GMS1W form MUST be signed.
  • A copy of repeat prescription slip for your medications is required for our records.
  • Your NHS number: This is a 10-digit number, like 485 777 3456. You can find your NHS number on most documents or letters sent to you by the NHS such as prescriptions, hospital letters, appointments letters. If you are still not sure we would advise you to contact your previous practice for your unique NHS number.

Once the above documents and completed forms have been provided to the practice you may be offered a registration health check appointment. 

Preference of Clinician

As a patient you have the right to express a preference for a particular clinician and our team aim to ensure that you see the same GP each time where possible. Please let our reception team know on contacting the surgery and we will try and accommodate your request. However there may be occasions where this may not always be possible, especially in an emergency. 
