If you are unable to attend for your appointment, please ring 02920 567822 as soon as possible so we can rearrange a more suitable date and time for you, and so we can reallocate your appointment to another patient.
Patients who do not attend their appointments will have this recorded in their medical record.
The practice can now send patients a FREE appointment text reminder for their appointments at the surgery.
If you would like to use this service then please inform the receptionist or email your Name, DOB and mobile number to admin.w97286@wales.nhs.uk asking to be signed up to the service.
Below is an example of the content of the text message you would receive
"You have an appointment at Llandaff North Med Centre on {date} at {time}. To cancel, call 02920567822 or visit our website"
Note - Due to over 200 patients booking and not attending their appointments each month we would appreciate it if all our patients with mobile phones signed up to receive these free text reminders to help reduce the waiting list to see the clinicians at the surgery.